Education Resources

Youth and Education Services

:The Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program is Washington State’s Foster Care program for refugee children who arrive in the U.S. with no parent or guardian. The program places minors in foster care with specially trained local families, and provides culturally appropriate social service support.

The Refugee School Impact Grant provides services to refugee children in Washington public schools, particularly in areas where there are large numbers of refugee families.

Refugee School Impact Grant Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Preschool/daycare systems navigation support.
  • Parent workshops.
  • Play and learn groups.
  • Developmental screenings.
  • Child development support.

Refugee School Impact Grant Services Eligibility:

Individuals may be eligible for services if they:

  • Are children between the ages of 0-5, or the parents of eligible children.
  • Have been in the United States less than five years.
  • Have an immigration status that makes them eligible for federally-funded refugee services from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
  • For more information about ORR eligibility, visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.

College and University

In Washington, students don’t have to be U.S. citizens to get state financial aid or resident tuition. There are different ways to qualify for immigrant students—including those who are undocumented. More information here: Students who are immigrants, are undocumented, or have DACA

Washington state community and technical colleges: Explore Our Colleges

What kind of programs are out there to help you pay for college? Financial Aid Programs

Enrolling Children in School

All children living in Washington State have the right to access public education. Children can start kindergarten at age 5 and continue in school until they graduate or turn 21.

In Washington State, people who can enroll a child in school include:

  • Parents or Legal Guardians
  • A person acting as a Parent in the absence of a parent or guardian. This might include:
  • A relative providing “Kinship Care”
  • A Foster Parent, or
  • A Caregiver acting in the role of parent.
  • A Youth on Their Own. A young person who is not living with a parent, and does not have a fixed, regular or adequate place to live, can get help enrolling on their own as an “Unaccompanied Homeless Youth.” Ask to talk to a “McKinney Vento Liaison” if you are on your own, or are helping a young person who is on their own enroll in school.

It starts with enrollment (or registration). In order to enroll a student in school, schools generally ask for documents to:

  • Verify your address;
  • Confirm your child’s age (especially for kindergarten enrollment); and
  • Show that your child has had required immunizations.

You can ask for help at the school or at the school district office. You can also contact the office at 1-866-297-2597 or contact via through our online intake system at:

Remember, all children who live in Washington State have the right to access public education. If you are trying to enroll your child in school, but you do not have the paperwork the school usually requires, please ask for help.

All students have the right to access education from the district where the student lives most of the time. This is the student’s “resident school district.”