Your Rights with Police and FBI

What are your basic rights when interacting with law enforcement?

What are your basic rights?

  • When stopped by a police officer, you have the right to remain silent. If you do not want to speak with the officer and wish to remain silent, tell the officer.
  • You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings. You have the right to say no if asked.

Your rights when the FBI or Immigration Agents show up at your house

  • You have the right to refuse entry to your home unless they show a signed warrant by a judge.
    • A signed warrant by a judge is an official court document.
  • You have the right to say, “I do not consent to you entering my home.”
  • You have the right not to speak to these agents without a lawyer present. Tell them you do not wish to speak to them without a lawyer present.
  • You do not have to speak to an immigration agent, hand over documents, or consent to a search.

Where to call if you experience discrimination when interacting with law enforcement

  • Seattle Police- Office of Police Accountability*: (206) 684-8797
  • King County Sheriff’s Office: (206) 263-2525
  • King County Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO): (206) 263-8870
  • Department of Justice Main Switchboard: (202) 514-2000