Your Rights in Housing
Other KYR Housing Campaign Interviews:
- Tess Honan (Community Engagement Specialist at the City of Seattle Office for Civil Rights)
- Edmund Witter (Senior Managing Attorney of the King County Bar Association’s Housing Justice Project)
- Patricio Marquez (Assistant Attorney General at Washington Attorney General’s Office, Civil Rights Division)
What are your basic rights in housing?
- Fair Housing Rights: You have the right to be free from eviction based on discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, disability, family status
- Common types of discrimination include:
- Treating a person differently based on race, religion, or other protected class.
- Harassing a tenant or neighbor because of sex or another protected class.
- Making a discriminatory statement about an applicant or tenant.
- A housing provider says she plans to evict the tenants of a particular national origin, religion or other protected class.
- Refusing to make a change or exception to a rule, policy, practice, or service that an applicant or tenant may need because of a disability (this is a reasonable accommodation).
- A tenant with a disability is behind on his rent due to a disability related emergency and applies to a local agency for emergency assistance related to the disability. Tenant asks the housing provider for an extension till the emergency assistance becomes available and the landlord refuses. This could be an unlawful denial of reasonable accommodation.
Where to call if you experience discrimination in housing
- WA Human Rights Commission: 1-800-233-3247
- U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD): (206) 220-5101 or 1-800-877-0246
- Fair Housing Center of WA: (253) 274-9523
- Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections (Codes & Regulations): (206) 615-0808
- King County Civil Rights, Unincorporated: (206) 263-2446
- Office of Equity & Human Rights, Tacoma: (253) 591-5045
- Renting in Seattle Helpline: (206) 684-5700